Like I mentioned in one of my first emails…
…when planning a poultry business, it’s important to tread carefully in decision making.
Being decisive does two very beneficial things:
- Cuts off wasteful diversions & distractions
- Gets the right things done (profitably & quickly)
The combined benefit?
In a word, or two – OPTIMUM EFFICIENCY.
(Sounds good, but what does that really mean?)
a. optimum from Latin optimus meaning “best, very good”
b. efficiency from Latin efficere meaning “to work out, accomplish”
Put them together, you get:
To get things done (finish them) in the best possible way. The result being “very good (couldn’t be better)”.
A lovely idea.
However, often things don’t immediately go this way.
In business and life generally,
Mistakes are both common and, of course, costly.
They cost you both time and money (and/or other resources).
And because all of life’s material matters are finite, this reality adds only greater injury…
…so that, if you’ve wasted time or money the impact is ALWAYS much bigger than the initial paper loss.
Because of one KEY (hidden) factor:
Opportunity cost.
Let me explain:
Want to find the real cost of waste in business?
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