The chick grading guide below was developed by breeder, Cobb-Vantress. The aim is to equip poultry farmers with the ability...
So, this is the ideal solution for swiftly pulling the metrics on broiler yield by weight or percentage. I've included an easy to use calculator that spills the beans on exact amount of product from carcass to parts and 'other stuff' on every whole bird. Enjoy.
So, stocking density is an issue of contention within broiler farming circles. Mostly because it's used as a primary indicator of profitability, and because there isn't necessarily a one-size fits all approach. There are animal welfare implications too, therefore the subject attracts some rather voracious commentary. But how do you choose the right stocking density for your broiler farm? This article and course unit unveils the technicalities behind this topic.
As Hatched Age (days) Weight (g) Daily Gain (g) Average Daily Gain (g) * Cum. Feed Conversion ** Daily Feed...