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Poultry House Ventilation

Poultry House Ventilation Guide: What Are The Basics?

So, poultry house ventilation has got to be hands down the most underrated and misunderstood poultry rearing factor. Its importance is often misjudged and leads uninformed farm owners into unrealised production potential and loss of birds under seemingly mysterious circumstances. Tackling ventilation correctly and dominating the subject makes for a rearing environment that optimises both growth and well being. Carefully digest this lesson for an expert view on this critical cornerstone poultry topic...

Typical outside temperature and relative humidity during hot weather

This graph shows the inverse relationship between Outside Relative Humidity and Outside Temperature between 22nd July – 30 Jul in...

Comparison: RH & temp in poultry house with/without cooling pads

These two graphs show how the following air quality variables are affected inside and outside the poultry house, by evaporative...

How broiler size and flock density affect litter moisture in hot climate

Comparison of how litter moisture is affected by size of broiler bird and flock density.