That’s it! You’re all aboard.
Thank you, thank you, thank you – most sincerely for your kind ‘vote of confidence’ in subscribing to my email agri-advisory service. 🙂
*I currently spend 7 days a week making sure the related premium resources & content are 1st class.
(And love every minute spent in serving you and supporting your farming project. We are in this together.)
You can expect each & every week – my freshest field findings and researched rehearsals including:
- profit-making strategies
- technical low-down and advice
- questions and answers
- knowledge base entries
- glossary definitions
- step-by-step tutorials
- detailed calculations
- Excel spreadsheets
- online calculators
- business templates
…and more!
Some general housekeeping:
- All emails will come directly from me: temi.cole[at] – please add me to your list of email contacts. (Here’s how to do this in Yahoo or Gmail). Doing this will avoid my emails going to SPAM or Promotions.
- Emails should arrive according to the prescribed schedule of Mon-Sun Advanced Poultry Pickup. The time of arrival should be no later than 6am UTC.
- I write every mail at the time of sending (LIVE) – no sequences. So there may occasionally be some small delay in the actual arrival time of the email.
- Emails will be plain text plus the occasional image and hyperlinks to resources I have curated or host on this website.
- Every email I send is archived on this website behind a restricted content password-protected log-in for subscribers only. You can access this anytime, anywhere with an internet connection.
- Blog posts on this website with a restricted content notice will be accessible to you according to your subscription package.
- This email advisory service is 2-way. It’s a conversation and it will only have maximum value for you if you respond and chip in a little from time to time. Questions asked I will address and answer within my weekly schedule.
- If you want to cancel or change your subscription at any time, simply click here to access your account management dashboard. Any problems though, email me: temi.cole[at] (receipts and invoices can be accessed here too.)
That’s all for now. From time to time I may update the details of service which will be posted on the Terms & Conditions page.