Quick question…
(In your current poultry business plans,)
“How high up your priority list is monitoring the poultry house environment?”
Allow me one more question…
“On a scale of 1-10 (1 being completely irrelevant and 10 being absolutely critical)
Where would you rate ‘monitoring the poultry house environment’Â as being relevant to your bottom line profit and ROI?”
(Be honest.)
Well, in confession…
in my recent reading I came across a quote from a leading global poultry business expert, Dr. Dhia Alchalabi,
Which really challenged my joined-up understanding of poultry house environment and profit.
Here it is:
The title of the piece is: “Monitoring Poultry House Environment.”
Whilst the quote above (in the highlighted red box) is relative common sense,
It’s the way the article opens that really had me scratch my head.
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