If you were to ask me…
After so many years serving as an independent business consultant:
“What has been your (my) #1 lesson about what the customer really wants?”
I’d have to answer:
= The ability to do it all yourself, profitably.
Without the need of (or dependence upon) any middle-man, agent or aggregator.
(Keeping all the proceeds of sale to themselves.)
In my varied commercial experience as a business consultant,
I’ve been a stalwart for sustainability.
In fact, when starting out as a consultant,
I did so (risking my entire business) on the idea that I would help small business owners fight to retain FULL ownership and control of their business.
In marketing…
In sales…
In finance…
In EVERY discipline of management and operation.
This way not only will they profit more per sale,
But also they will multiply the value of their business (asset value).
(…and business owners with large asset value reap MASSIVE investment returns when they decide to exit their business.)
Yes, of course, there is a trade off…
‘Ownership of more’ does mean more grunt work internally and calls for continual investment.
But all that hard work is DEFINITELY worth it if you get your return (ROI).
Over the last 10 years of selling business solutions to clients in various industries,
When I presented them with a bespoke plan which was TRULY sustainable…
They would often respond with (words to the effect of):
“That would be THE DREAM.”
Perhaps, you’d think that such a reaction would be music to my ears.
But I actually learned some hard lessons about this client reaction.
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